I recently had the pleasure of working with a client who has an incredible story of resilience and strength. Shortly after turning 50, she was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and went through surgery and years of immunological treatments that left her feeling scared and hopeless. Her weight shot up to 225 lbs, and she was struggling with depression and related health issues such as high blood pressure and borderline Type II Diabetes.
But she didn’t give up. She started working out at home, losing 25 pounds on her own. Then, she found a small gym and an amazing personal trainer, Eric Brulotte. With his guidance, she lost another 40 pounds and was finally able to come off her blood pressure and cholesterol medications. She continued to work hard, losing another 10 pounds and toning her body.
The physical transformation was only the beginning. She became a certified personal trainer and eventually left her office job to work as a trainer full-time. She found a new calling, one that gave her fulfillment and purpose. She loves working with her clients and helping them on their fitness journeys.
Her story is one of perseverance and determination, and it’s a true inspiration. As a photographer, it’s an honor to capture her strength and beauty through candid and empowering photography. I believe that every entrepreneur can learn from her journey and gain insight into their own professional side.
If you’re in YYC or Calgary and looking for business photography that captures the raw and true character of yourself or your clients, look no further. Let’s create an empowering photography experience together. Reach me here!