Happy New Year 2022 – Best Wishes from Calgary Photographer Jodi O

Photography, Fun and More Big Changes 2021 was another year for the books.  Calgary, Canada and the world had many ups and downs living in our new normal.  Everyday there seemed to be a whirlwind of question marks and being unsure of what to expect, many of us have taken it in stride asking “What next?” with a smile and confidence we had not known before. Because of lockdowns and

Acting Photography Session

Acting Headshots with Calgary Talent

So Many Head Shots in Calgary So Little Time! Life has gotten busy and my little photography studio has been in full swing again.  My sessions with recent clients have been interesting with the new distancing norm and hearing what new normal has been like for clients and their families. The photos are amazing from this young ladies session as we enjoyed the warm evening weather, exploring the Marda Loop