Fall family photos in Calgary

Smiles from Clients Past – Jodi O Photography

Revisiting Favorite Faces in Favorite Places from Past Years With so much time on my hands, waiting for self isolation to be over and for our lives to resume, I have been building skills, strengthening my studio and spending time looking through photo archives. I have been working with Calgary families, photographing growing kids, brand new babies and the laughter and silliness that comes with great times. After reviewing many

Merry Christmas Baby! Calgary Family Photographers

Happy Holidays Calgary! Sending warm fuzzies and many thanks… Thanks so much to this loving family for joining me in my Calgary studio for our second session, birthday and Christmas edition. Little man has grown and changed so much since the fall. These photos bring a smile to my face and cheer to my heart. Our family photography session was complete with colorful ballons, soft jammies, furry blanket, Christmas book